lunes, 10 de junio de 2024

Have You Ever

 Have you ever

Have you ever had so many things to say, so incredibly many words struggling to be let out of your mouth and spilled into another consciousness, that you can’t choose, not even a single one, so they all get inevitably stuck up your throat, stuck in your head, and you remain silent and unnoticed, caught up in an all-pervading lassitude where everything is meaningless, whereas there is a swarm of words, of ideas, of things to be said buzzing unrestfully inside of your body, millions of butterflies longing to be set free and take flight gnawing at your core, but what’s the use, there’s nobody listening, nobody cares, and you are too tiny, too irrelevant, too uninteresting, too stupid, a mere grain of sand in the desert, so what’s the point, and you keep quiet, and the less you say, the fewer things you’ve got to say, the millions of butterflies prisoners within your flesh and bones unable to fly, dying one by one, your every thought and feeling dying out, and your very essence fading out, disappearing into the void of an endless, flooding echo that can never find the breaking point, the way to release a single sound, your soul wordless, your brain mute, deprived of any chance to hatch, because what’s the use, you’re just turning nil, you’re just a fool, a senseless blabber, unworthy of anyone’s time, waning in the nothingness, less and less alive

viernes, 31 de mayo de 2024

風が吹く - Sopla el viento




Sopla el viento.

El corazón enmarañado

anhela el verano.